Inventory Alerts

What are Inventory Alerts?

Inventory Alerts can be triggered based on a minimum/maximum quantity in stock. Use inventory alerts to give you advance notice on when you should resupply your stock. 

  •  Red Bell filled with exclamation sign means your current inventory is below the minimum quantity point and needs to be reordered ASAP. 
  •  Yellow bell means your inventory is less than the midpoint between the minimum and maximum quantities AND greater than the minimum quantity (need to reorder soon). 
  •  Green Bell means your inventory is less than or equal to the max quantity AND greater than or equal to the midpoint between the minimum and maximum quantities. 
  •  Green Bell filled with exclamation means your inventory is above the maximum quantity. 

How to set minimum and maximum quantity values on items already created?

From the home page, select View Inventory and choose the item you'd like to edit. 

  • From the edit item page, navigate to the location section where you will see "Low Level Alert" and "Overstock Alert." 
  • For "Low Level Alert," set the minimum quantity you want on hand before reordering. 
  • For "Overstock Alert," set the maximum quantity you want on hand. 

Setting up minimum and maximum quantity values on new items can be done by selecting the green plus symbol and choosing the "Create Item" icon. It can also be done by following the .CSV upload method instruction found under "Manage Items" in the sidebar menu. 

How to view low stock inventory alerts?

View Low Stock Inventory from Reports

  • From the home page, navigate to the reports section (middle of the page) and select the reports drop down. 
  • Open the "Inventory Reports" drop down and select "Reorder Report."
  • Select "Print" located in the upper right side of the page. A print dialog box will appear before you print the report. 
  • Select "Download CSV" in the upper left side of the page. The report file will automatically download to your device.  

Filter By Items with Low Stock Inventory

  • From the sidebar menu, select "Items."  
  • Navigate to the top right corner of the app and select the filter icon. A menu will pop out with multiple options for filtering and sorting.  
  • Select both the "Low Alert Level" option and the "Red Alert" option.  
  • Select "Apply."

Please note, these filters will not reset unless you reset them manually or log out of the app.  

Upgrade Expires In:

XCancel Upgrade